Recruitment Process
The stage of recruitment can be broken up broadly into three parts.
Pre Placement Talk

Over the years Pre-placement talk have been the standard forum for company-student interaction. PPT’s provides students with an opportunity to learn more about the organization and meet the organizations member.

Written tests / Group Discussion / Personnel Interviews

For the final selection of candidates the companies have been conducting the personnel interviews, augmented by written tests and the group discussion for the preliminary selection. This interviews are used to gauge the technical knowledge and other aspects of the candidates and helps the companies in selecting the most appropriate candidate for organization and for the position being offer.

Declaration of Results

After the conduction of interviews the companies declare the results as soon as possible in order to avoid the possibility of candidate being selected for the multiple jobs. These results are communicate to the student community through Notices or mails.

The facilities provided to facilitate the visit are Lodging & Boarding arrangements at city, rooms for PPTs,Tests, Group Discussions and Individual interviews, audio-Visual facilities for PPTs etc.
Placement Regulation
  • The Placement facility is available to all the students register registered with T&P on ONE JOB TO ONE STUDENT AT THE FIRST INSTANCE INSTANCE.However, under certain circumstances students may be permitted to apply for the second job as and when announced by the T&P. In such cases, the student must accept the second job offer and decline the first job offer by tendering regret letter to the T&P.
  • Pass out students those who could not secure any job through T&P may avail Student Placement facility, by registering with T&P, for job openings available for such persons provided they are not registered/enrolled for higher studies.
  • There is no restriction on applying/appearing in interviews until the first job is secured. A student will be considered to have secured a job if his/her name appears in the selection list or an appointment letter is received in the Students’ Placement Office. Acceptance of the offer must reach Students’ Placement Office before the prescribed deadline.
  • Students may withdraw their candidature immediately after PPT but well before the start of the selection process by filling the Application Withdrawal Slip. Students will not be permitted to withdraw if they participate in any part of the selection process.
  • Students must keep their Identity Card with them at the time of PPT/Test/Group Discussion/Interviews, and produce the same when demanded by the visiting team or T&P staff or their representatives.
  • Students are not allowed to contact the members of the team visiting the campus for placement purposes without prior permission of the T&P officer.
  • Students interested in pursuing higher studies must inform the Placement Office as soon as their plans are finalized. Also, regret letters declining the job offers accepted must be tendered to the T&P if for some unavoidable reasons a student is not joining the organization.
  • Students violating any of the aforesaid regulations or indulging in any act of Indiscipline/misbehavior may be debarred from availing placement facilities and the matter may be reported to the College Management for disciplinary action.