Rules & Regulations

The association shall be named as “C. K. Pithawalla College of Engineering & Technology, Surat Alumni Association”, hereafter referred to as “CKPCETAA”


Office of the CKPCETAA shall be located at the administrative building of C. K. Pithawalla College of Engineering & Technology, Surat 395 007

The Aims and Objectives
  • To start, promote and maintain interaction amongst alumni as well as between the alumni and present students of CKPCET, Surat for their mutual benefit
  • To encourage and appeal the alumni to take active interest in the activities leading to the progress of the institute
  • To generate and organize the funds for the benefit of the students which may be partially utilized for scholarship to the needy and deserving students, book banks, loans and co-curricular activities
  • To invest and maintain accounts of the funds of the CKPCETAA
  • To organize the social welfare activities for the benefit of the society as a part of nation building.
  • To motivate the alumni and students by recognizing and awarding for their outstanding contribution/performance in (i) research, (ii) technical events, (iii) sports, and (iv) social services
  • To organize get-together of all members to provide the common platform for interaction and sharing of the expertise, experience and views of the members leading to the mutual development
  • To take up all those activities which are directly or indirectly helping the students in their (i) training and placement, (ii) entrepreneurial skill development and (iii) higher studies in India and abroad
  • To take-up all other lawful activities leading to the attainment of the above stated objectives and/or beneficial to the institute, its students and its alumni
  • Eligibility :
    • Any past student of CKPCET, Surat
    • All the students of CKPCET, Surat passing their final semester examination
  • Membership Fees :
    • For the official life membership of the CKPCETAA, eligible candidates are required to submit duly filled membership form to the member secretary along with the one time life membership fees of;
    • Rupees 500/- for the current and past students
    • From the New Entrants to the institute, Rs. 500/- will be collected towards the alumni association fees by CKPCETAA. After passing the final year examinations, student will automatically become life member of the CKPCETAA, on submission of the registration form
Associate Member

CKPCETAA on the recommendation of Managing Committee may elect any person directly or indirectly connected with the institute and/or CKPCETAA and likely to promote the interest of the CKPCETAA, as an “Associate Member” for definite term

Membership Rights
  • Members and Associate Members are entitled to receive all announcements and news letters related to the CKPCETAA activities
  • Members and Associate Members are entitled to receive annual magazine of institute
  • Members and Associate Members are entitled to attend and participate in the get-togethers organized by CKPCETAA
  • Members and Associate Members are entitled to take an advantage of any schemes and programs administered by CKPCETAA
  • With the wide spread and easy access of the Internet, website for the CKPCET should be updated to include CKPCETAA portal and all the announcement and publication on CKPCETAA portal shall be considered as official circulation amongst all the members and associate members of CKPCETAA
Organization Structure of the Managing Committee

The method of election/selection of the office bearers and their responsibilities are defined in the following sub sections;

  • Chairman : Trust’s Chairman’s Representative will be the ex-officio Chairman of the CKPCETAA. The chairman will be responsible for policy formation in consultation with other members of the Managing Committee.
  • President : President is responsible for implementation of all the policy matters of the CKPCETAA. President will also act as an administrator, coordinator and supervisor for the activities and programs of CKPCETAA. Specifically, President will act as a facilitator for the Member Secretary for smooth conductance of the Managing Committee activities.
  • Vice President : Chairman shall appoint Distinguished Alumnus as a Vice President in consultation with other members of the Managing Committee. Vice President will not have any administrative responsibility but he will act as a consultant for CKPCETAA. Vice President Term will be of three-years at a time.
  • Member Secretary : Secretary shall perform the following duties;
    1. Register the eligible candidates for CKPCETAA
    2. Maintain the records of registration forms
    3. Maintain and update the registration records
    4. To maintain administrative control over the CKPCETAA office
    5. To correspond with stakeholders on behalf of CKPCETAA
    6. To issue the notice of all the managing committee meeting along with agenda on time (at least 15 days before the schedule of meeting)
    7. To keep the prepare, circulate and maintain the minutes of all the meetings of managing committee of CKPCETAA
    8. To act as a medium of communication between the members and office bearers of the managing committee
    9. To look after the maintenance and updating of web portal of CKPCETAA for which he will be provided the manpower from the concern department
  • Treasurer : Treasurer shall prepare the books of accounts of CKPCETAA at the end of the every financial year and present the same to the Managing Committee. Treasurer will manage for collection of all the dues and issue of out standings on behalf of CKPCETAA. In addition, he will act as a liaison officer with bankers and auditors on behalf of CKPCETAA.
  • Student Representative : Student representative will have a vote in the activities of managing committee. Student representative is responsible for the wide spread of the objective of the CKPCETAA amongst the new entrants. As a General Secretary of the student council of the institute, he shall act a initiator and leader for planning of the various activities in line with the objectives of CKPCETAA and in communication with the Chairman, President and Member Secretary of the CKPCETAA. Student Representative shall take active participation in formation of students’ organizing committees for the various activities of CKPCETAA and also act as a motivator for these committees.
  • General Body : General body shall consist of all the members of the association as defined in clause 4.
Annual General Meeting
  • Annual general meeting of the general body of CKPCETAA shall be called on or before 30th June of every year by member secretary.
  • Member present will constitute the quorum and there will not be restriction on minimum/maximum number of members for the quorum.
  • Meeting shall statutorily consider the following;
    1. Member Secretary : Secretary shall perform the following duties;
    2. To present and review the report of the managing committee
    3. To elect the vice president for the term of three years
    4. Approve the previous year’s account
    5. Introducing and adopting office bearers
    6. To take up any other matters included in notice of the meeting
Extra ordinary Meeting

Member secretary of CKPCETAA shall call an extra ordinary meeting upon receipt of request from the president of CKPCETAA or from at least 10 percent of the members of the CKPCETAA. Such a meeting shall be called within 45 days from the date of receipt of such a request and shall discuss only for agenda stated in the request. However, any other agenda may be taken up with the permission of the chairperson of the meeting.

Managing Committee Meeting

Member secretary shall call Managing Committee meeting at least two times every year.

Managing Committee Meeting
  1. Managing committee shall prepare activity plan for the every year well in advance
  2. Managing committee shall allocate the budget for the activities mentioned in the planned
  3. Authorized signatories of the Managing Committee shall carryout financial transactions with banks or any other statutory bodies
  4. Any member of the managing committee in power is authorized to make new members based on the clause 4
  5. Managing committee shall frame sub committees for any specific programs or project from time to time
  6. Managing committee may discontinue any member from CKPCETAA if found doing the activities against the interest or prestige of the CKPCETAA or institute
  7. Managing committee has a power to modify or remove any rules specified in this document or to frame new rules from time to time, if found appropriate for effective working of CKPCETAA
  8. Managing committee has a power to take up the purchase/contracting procedures as well as to decide and pay the fees for the services rendered by the person or organizations within the rules of the institution.

Managing committee will request the management of C. K. Pithawalla College of Engineering and Technology for providing the office space with necessary facilities for communication and record storage and space for meeting for administering the CKPCETAA

  • Separate account should be open-up in any nationalized bank and maintained in the name of "C. K. Pithawalla College of Engineering and Technology Alumni Association"
  • All the financial transaction shall be carryout as per the institute norms
  • Treasurer shall maintain the book of accounts of CKPCETAA and shall present the same to the managing committee at the end of each financial year for its approval
Chairperson at Meeting

President of CKPCETAA or his or her nominee shall act as a chairperson at all the meetings of the CKPCETAA

Winding-up of CKPCETAA

In case of the winding-up of the CKPCETAA upon decision of the Chairman of CKPCETAA, any surplus fund or properties after meeting all the liabilities of the CKPCETAA shall be automatically comes under the ownership of the C. K. Pithawalla College of Engineering and Technology, Surat to be utilized for the objectives inline with the objectives of the CKPCETAA